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9. Philharmonisches Konzert: Geheimtipp
Theater Dortmund (2025)
06 - 07 Mejju 2025 (2 rappreżentazzjonijiet)
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9. Philharmonisches Konzert: Geheimtipp by Bartók, Bruckner, Minn (2025/2025), Surmast Direttur Gabriel Feltz, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany

Krediti ta' prestazzjoni (Il-Kast & l-Ekwipaġġ )

Ara kollox
Agħżel XogħolMusic for strings, percussion and celesta , BB 114 SZ 106 (Musica for strings, percussion and celesta , BB 114 SZ 106), Bartók


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