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Alsop Conducts Brahms, Muhly & The Firebird
New York Philharmonic (2025)
06 - 08 mars 2025 (3 frammistöður)
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Alsop Conducts Brahms, Muhly & The Firebird by Beethoven, Brahms, Stravinsky, Frá (2025/2025), Hljómsveitarstjóri Marin Alsop, David Geffen Hall (Lincoln Center), New York City, United States

Frammistaða áskriftir (Leikarar & starfslið )

Sjá allt
Veldu VinnaLeonora Overture No.3 in C Major, op. 72b (Leonora Overture No. 3, op.72b), Beethoven
