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Tosca, Puccini

Tosca by Puccini, Minn (2022/2022), Immexxi minn Mladen Sabljić,, Surmast Direttur Aleksandar Kojić, Corrado Valvo, SNP (Serbian Nationl Theatre), Novi Sad, Serbia






Against the backdrop of historical events from the Napoleonic era, with a distinctly political character, a powerful drama of love, full of passion and jealousy unfolds, which ends tragically. It was the plot of the popular play TOSKA , written by the famous French playwright Victor Sardou at the end of the nineteenth century, whose works were performed all over Europe at the time. Puccini saw that drama performed by the great French actress Sarah Bernard, during her guest appearance in Milan. Although he did not know a word of French, he was strongly impressed by the play and was delighted with the idea of ​​writing an opera. However, he soon gave up when he learned that Verdi was also interested in the same drama. Verdi wrote: "There is a play by Sardou which I would gladly set to music with all my heart, if I still had time for it."It is not known for what reasons Verdi gave up. So soon Puccini, with his librettists Ilik and Gjakoza, began to realize the work. As always, he makes great demands on his librettists. He often changed the text, was not satisfied and always gave new tasks. The premiere was in 1900 in Rome. The following year it was performed in Paris, then in London, with great success. The sung and warm melody, the two popular tenor arias in Acts I and II are certainly the purest musical inspirations, as well as the magnificent Te Deum in the finale of Act I. Political motives are also present in the libretto, i.e. the fight of the republicans - the bearer of the idea of ​​the French revolution, whose representatives are Cavaradossi and Angelotti on one side, and the dark forces of reaction, on whose side is Baron Scarpia, the chief of police. Against this backdrop, an extraordinary dramatic sequence takes place, where scenes of the most diverse characters, full of incredible contrasts and twists, alternate. Together with the opera BOEMI, it is the most successful work in terms of the integrity of Puccini's musical dramaturgy. These are all features of the opera TOSKA that have always attracted audiences from all over the world. It is truly a musical drama in the truest sense of the word.
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