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Un ballo in maschera (Maskerade), Verdi

Maskerade by Verdi, Van (2019/2019), Geregisseerd door Frans Meewis,, Dirigent Dejan Savić, Opera Nationala Romana Timisoara, Timişoara, Roemenië




Masquerade?!? In Boston or in Stockholm? Verdi's genius made his music stand out through time. Where does the Oscar page invite us to the MASKED BALL? In Boston or in Stockholm?! Both in the piano excerpts and in the information found on the discs, they invite us to an imaginary palace of a non-existent governor of a British colony on the coast of North America. The same Oscar invites us to a ceremony inspired by the French Court, supported by Italian music of the highest class. Towards that space, we are by no means carried by the wings of poetry, but by a brutal mood of censorship. Giuseppe Verdi, famous for the strength of character with which he defended the freedom of art, had to bitterly accept what was unchangeable: the unshakable verdict of the authorities. The initial version of the libretto signed by Eugene Scribe places the action of the opera at the Royal Court of Sweden and gives the characters historical Swedish names, the theme of this opera being a historical event, namely the assassination of King Gustav III of Sweden, shot dead in 1792, in Stockholm Opera House. The bloody events of the French Revolution (1789) too close to the assassination of the King of Sweden, but also a failed attempt on Napoleon III, during the preparation of the premiere of this work, attracted the attention of the censorship that intervened on the libretto. Thus, with the action relocated to Boston and with rechristened characters, Verdi states: " What is left of my work in the version proposed by the censors?" The title? Not. The poet? Not. Action time? Not. The characters? Not. The situation? Not. The draw? No... " The composer, by no means resigned, had no choice but to save the stage action mistreated by the authorities, through his musical genius. The opera inspired by the assassination of a king in the Opera House began its tour of duty at the Apollo Theatrefrom Rome, on February 17, 1859, the date of the absolute premiere, offering artists, be they directors or performers, the opportunity to use the weapon of stage truth against any barriers. Pajul Oscar invites you on May 5, starting at 7:00 p.m. at BAL MASCAT, in the Timisoara version proposed by director Frans Meewis. COME, SEE, (PL)HEAR!!!
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