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Ravenna Festival 2023 Review: Stabant Matres

Soprano Clara La Licata produced a vocally strident and forceful performance with an expressivity in the role of Betsabea. Her clear articulation, vocal flexibility and pleasing tone impressed.

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12 červenec 2023operawire.comAlan Neilson
Stabant Matres, Marzocchi
C: Paolo Marzocchi
Ravenna Festival 2023 Review: Stabant Matres

Soprano Benedetta Gaggioli, accompanied by the soft sounds of the flute, showed off the beauty of her voice with a sensitive and assured performance. Standing directly below the dome, her voice carried gracefully upwards into the dome, where the purity of her bright and clear-toned high notes were magnified to good effect.

Přečtěte si více
12 červenec 2023operawire.comAlan Neilson

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