Macbeth, Verdi
D: Ivan Stefanutti
C: James Meena
Medvirkende: Mark Rucker, Othalie Graham, Jonathan Kaufman, Zaikuan Song, Gianluca Sciarpelletti

Italian tenor Gianluca Sciarpelletti portrayed Macduff, the Thane of Fife, first as a flinty, fecund warrior and later as a man broken by Macbeth’s merciless slaughter of his family. Discovering the corpse of the slain Duncan in Act One, Macduff’s shock, horror, and grief resounded in Sciarpelletti’s singing in the sextet and finale. Lamenting both the deaths of his children and his own feelings of helplessness and failure in his moving scene in Act Four, this Macduff declaimed the recitative ‘O figli, o figli miei!’ with wrenching emotion.

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www.voix-des-arts.comJoseph Newsome

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