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Vergangene Produktionsvideos

Next to Normal (Fast Normal), Tom Kitt
D: Philipp Rosendahl
C: Peter ScheddingDonato Deliano
Next to Normal (Fast Normal), Tom Kitt
D: Philipp Rosendahl
C: Donato Deliano
West Side Story (Geschichte aus dem Westen), Leonard Bernstein
D: Philipp Rosendahl
C: Alexander HannemannDeniola Kuraja
The Turn of the Screw (Die Drehung der Schraube), Benjamin Britten
D: Rahel Thiel
C: Valtteri RauhalammiThomas Rimes
The Sound of Music (Meine Lieder – meine Träume), Richard Rodgers
D: Philipp Kochheim
C: Alexander HannemannAdrian PavlovXin Tan