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The Nose, op. 15, Shostakovich
D: Herbert Fritsch
C: Clemens Heil
One is drawn into a sound experience by many surprising influences from various musical styles.

Herbert Fritsch , known for his colorful and extremely lively productions, makes all the actors appear like puppets in constant motion and demands everything from the singers. There is hardly a moment when there aren't exaggerated gestures and constant jumping, twitching and grimacing. Everything looks extremely abstract. This may have some entertainment value, but over time it just becomes too much.

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30 marraskuu 2021opernmagazin.deMarco Stücklin
One is drawn into a sound experience by many surprising influences from various musical styles.

Herbert Fritsch , known for his colorful and extremely lively productions, makes all the actors appear like puppets in constant motion and demands everything from the singers. There is hardly a moment when there aren't exaggerated gestures and constant jumping, twitching and grimacing. Everything looks extremely abstract. This may have some entertainment value, but over time it just becomes too much.

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30 marraskuu 2021opernmagazin.deMarco Stücklin
Silla, Händel
D: Alessandra Premoli
C: Fabio Biondi
"L.C. Silla"

"L.C. SILLA" by HAENDEL ~~~ Beckmesser: "Alessandra Premoli [...] hace un trabajo simple, atractivo y eficaz, que funciona perfectamente. [...] Los artistas se entregan a las indicaciones de la directora de escena y todo funciona a plena satisfacción." ~~~ El cronista errant: "Premoli va aconseguir clarificar el garbuix de l’argument i oferir accions paralleles que no ofegaven les àries."~~~ El Mundo: "Magnífico estreno 'Haendeliano' "~~~ Opèra Magazine (printed edition): " Avec peu de moyens, mais un indéniable sens dramaturgique, Alessandra Premoli et son équipe réussissent l’exploit de signer un spectacle où l’on ne s’ennuie pas une seconde. " ~~~ Opéra Magazine (online edition): "La mise en scène se caractérise par son élégance, son intelligence, et son parti pris de préférer à l’illustration littérale du livret une approche plus métaphorique, voire symbolique" ~~~ Opera World: "La acción se desarrolló con un gran ritmo y actualizando la puesta en escena sin causar ningún escándalo". ~~~ Platea Magazine: "Inteligente pues, en todo caso, el trabajo de Alessandra Premoli, en el que se intuye el hacer de una directora atenta a la obra, tanto a su música como a su texto, minuciosa en la dirección de actores y con un sentido acabado y nítido del espacio escénico y sus posibilidades." ~~~

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12 joulukuu 2015Various authors

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