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Erwartung, Schoenberg, Arnold
D: André Heller-Lopes
C: David Robertson
Opera Paris : A 'Boris' in search of a Boris

Jessye Norman had the stage all to herself as she opened the season of the Theatre du Chatelet as "the woman" in two one-acters about a woman in the process of losing her mind because she is losing her man. Schoenberg's "Erwartung" consists of the hysterical ravings of a woman stumbling through a forest in search of her lover, whom she finally finds shot to death by her rival.

Loe rohkem
30 oktoober 2002www.nytimes.comDavid Stevens
Au Théâtre du Châtelet, Jessye Norman de velours

C’est sur une véritable soirée de gala que s’est ouverte la saison 2002-2003 du Théâtre du Châtelet, qui accueillait pour la seconde fois consécutive en ce même cadre, la majestueuse Jessye Norman.

Loe rohkem
08 oktoober 2002www.resmusica.comresmusica

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