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Götterdämmerung Wagner,Richard
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Götterdämmerung (The Twilight of the Gods), Wagner

The Twilight of the Gods by Wagner, sun 16 jún 2019, Frá (2019/2019), Leikstýrt af Tomo Sugao,, Hljómsveitarstjóri Enrico Calesso, Mainfranken Theater, Würzburg, Germany

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 16 jún 2019



In May 1850 Wagner presented the “printed drama” Siegfrieds Tod, the literary precursor to the later Götterdämmerung, the “third day” of the Ring des Nibelungen, completed in 1874. In the foreword to the drama he railed against "false prophets" and the "charlatan booths" of the Grand Opera in Paris. At the same time he develops his own idea of ​​a “general drama” that redeems the world through art in “Oper und Drama” and “The Work of Art of the Future” and works his way through the Nibelungen saga to the point “where it has the more human guise of archetypal heroism," says Wagner in the Wibelungen from the revolutionary year 1848: "Here we see Siegfried gaining the hoard of the Nibelung and immeasurable power through him. All striving and all struggle goes to this hoard of the Nibelungs, as the essence of all earthly power, The death of the hero Siegfried in the Twilight of the Gods brings the Ring story about Valhalla, Wotan and the Valkyries to its end, the world conflagration kindled by Brünnhilde atones for the original sin of the Nibelung Alberich, the theft of the Rhine gold. The end of Wagner's world narrative, it is at the same time the end of all history and of historical opera. With Götterdämmerung, the Mainfranken Theater concludes the three-season examination of the Grand Opéra and its religious and social doomsday scenarios in Meyerbeer's "Huguenots" and Verdi's "Sicilian Vespers". The realization of Götterdämmerung is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Richard-Wagner-Verband Würzburg-Unterfranken eV , which is once again supporting and partnering with the Mainfranken Theater in this production together with the Herbert Hillmann and Margot Müller Foundation.
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