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L'italiana in Algeri Rossini
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L'italiana in Algeri (The Italian Girl in Algiers), Rossini

The Italian Girl in Algiers by Rossini, sun 23 jan 2022, Frá (2021/2022), Leikstýrt af Anette Leistenschneider,, Hljómsveitarstjóri Kerem Hasan, Tommaso Turchetta, Tiroler Landestheater, Innsbruck, Austria

Skoða leikara og áhöfn fyrir 23 jan 2022




Why does an Italian woman make her way to Algiers? She is looking for her lover, who has fallen into slavery. However, her Lindoro is not doing badly there, because he is high in the favor of his master Mustafa. But the longing for his Isabella torments him very much. And then, all of a sudden, she stands in the palace – as the prey of the corsair Haly, who picked up the one stranded on the coast. Mustafa had instructed him to get him a beautiful Italian woman. These women are said to be more temperamental than the oriental ladies – including Mustafa's whiny main wife Elvira, who has long been annoying to him. However, it is precisely the said temperament of the Italian woman that is Mustafa's undoing. Because Isabella wraps the smug ruler with her seduction skills around her finger in such a way that he falls for her refined intrigue games and the situation develops quite differently than Mustafa hoped ... L'italiana in Algeri was Rossini's first great success and, after Il barbiere di Siviglia, is one of the composer's most popular comic operas. The humorous and ironic scenes are designed with virtuoso bravura, lovingly and vividly characterizing the characters. This opera, which at times seems like an "organized and complete craziness" (Stendhal), is directed by Anette Leistenschneider. At the Tiroler Landestheater she has already proven in her productions of Il barbiere di Siviglia and Martha that musical comedy is exactly her genre. The beautiful Italian woman who came to Algiers teaches the jealous and haughty lovers that a woman can fool them all.
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