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Lear, Komische Oper Berlin

... Reimann wrote Lear for Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, who casts a long shadow. Tómas Tómasson makes the title role effortlessly his own, with a towering performance. Caroline Melzer is a heart-rendingly pure Cordelia, Thomas Ebenstein’s Kent gives us moments of spellbinding lyricism, Irmgard Vilsmaier and Erika Roos are chillingly wicked as Goneril and Regan, Jens Larsen is a commanding Gloster, John Daszak suitably nasty as Edmund, Martin Wölfel a multi-faceted Edgar. Elisabeth Trissenaar lends a trans-gender twist to the spoken role of the Fool, in a performance of affecting restraint. ...

Lasīt vairāk
26 novembris 2009www.ft.comShirley Apthorp
A Struggling Soldier and a Seductive Beauty: Two Tales of Yearning


Lasīt vairāk
03 marts 2014www.nytimes.com.

Recenzijas par iepriekšējiem iestudējumiem

Das Rheingold, Wagner, Richard
C: Kent Nagano
Dresden, Konzert: „Das Rheingold“, in historischer Aufführungspraxis

...Der vor Angst schlotternde Mime des aus Kärnten stammenden Tenors Thomas Ebenstein brachte mit seiner Figur Aspekte in den Ring ein, die spätere Entwicklungen wesentlich bestimmen werden...

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15 jūnijs 2023deropernfreund.deThomas Thielemann
Colour, text & character: Dresden Music Festival launches its historically informed Ring cycle with gripping Das Rheingold

...Thomas Ebenstein's Mime was vividly drawn with Ebenstein embellishing the role with all manner of exclamations, shouts and whines...

Lasīt vairāk
16 jūnijs 2023www.planethugill.comPlanet Hugill