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Solo Echo (Pite), Rhapsody in Blue (Ansa, Bacovich), Shoot me (Tortelli)
Solo Echo (Pite), Rhapsody in Blue (Ansa, Bacovich), Shoot me (Tortelli)
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National Choreographic Center / Aterballetto (2025)
15 március - 05 április 2025 (9 előadás)
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Solo Echo (Pite), Rhapsody in Blue (Ansa, Bacovich), Shoot me (Tortelli) by Gershwin, Spiritualized, szo 05 ápr 2025, -tól (2025/2025), Teatro Regio, Parma, Italy

A szereplők és a stáb megtekintése 05 ápr 2025
Válassza a Munka lehetőségetRhapsody in Blue, Gershwin


A program részben bejelentett


Solo Echo (Pite), Rhapsody in Blue (Ansa, Bacovich), Shoot me (Tortelli)
RhapsodyBallet with pre-recorded music
BalletBallet with pre-recorded music
SHOOT ME SHOOT ME is a new creation for the company on the music by the English rock band Spiritualized, formed in 1990, and on some recordings of Jim Morrison declaiming poems about freedom. The construction of the work is based on the concept of “concert-ballet” revised in a contemporary way: music and dance are combined to create a piece without a story, but, thanks to the power of music, sometimes aggressive and sometimes poetic, this piece guides us to discover open imaginaries and emotions. A central element of SHOOT ME is the group strength guided by individual voices, the desire of a body that wishes to be observed and a body that wants to be perceived, that wants to communicate. The work is inspired by images of demonstrations, pride, catwalks, everything that unites us in a group and at the same time allows us not to lose our individual voices. The exact opposite of a military parade or a political party. We refer to the beauty of the body at the community’s disposal as a source of entertainment, but also of reflection and research. “SHOOT ME” is in fact the term used by videomakers when they film an action with a camera. In pop culture, instead, ” SHOOT ME ” is a slang term that is often used as a request to feel emotions after a period of alexithymia “please, shoot me with some feelings…”. A work that wants to create a direct dialogue between the dancers on stage and the audience in the auditorium: a game of seduction, of looks, of sweat, an assault on the senses and an ode to the body, to breathing the same air, sweat, tears, fury, pride. RHAPSODY IN BLUE: A FANTASTIC TOY The initial idea of this work was to play with Gershwin’s rhapsody, to rewrite it through a different imagination. In Rhapsody in Blue, the interesting thing is not only to bring our perspective, shaped by our experience, international comparison, and style developed over the years, but above all to offer the audience a more universal vision, less tied to the New York context or the spirit of that era. We tried to transport, to rethink Gershwin on a historical level, trying to decontextualize it to further enhance the universality of his masterpiece. Closing our eyes, feeling what that music wants to tell us, and representing it today through our poetic, expressing it with our approach to movement and the scenic body. Rhapsody in Blue is a fantastic toy for a choreographer, for a creative. Being so powerful, so cheerful, so sparkling, it is characterized by constant variations of form and seems to traverse an enchanted forest: in a few steps, you encounter a magical being, an unreal sky that changes color above you. You move in this fantastic world, where the rhapsody offers a sound space where everything is possible, where new elements constantly peek out from every corner and you are continuously surprised. Bodies react to agitated and always different inputs. We played with all this, closing our eyes and dreaming of new worlds every time we encountered a new theme. Iratxe Ansa and Igor Bacovich Choreographers
A részletekről infó érhető el: English
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